Kembalikan Kilau Alami Mobil Anda

Xpress Polish

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Xpress Polish

Paket untuk mengembalikan kondisi cat mobil dari goresan atau cacat ringan dengan pemolesan ringan dan singkat

Isi paket Xpress Polish:

white wall paint with black line
white wall paint with black line
Cuci Mobil PH Netral
a close up of a bed with white sheets and pillows
a close up of a bed with white sheets and pillows
Cuci Velg
white wall paint with black line
white wall paint with black line
Poles Body
a close up of a bed with white sheets and pillows
a close up of a bed with white sheets and pillows
Proteksi Wax
white wall paint with black line
white wall paint with black line
Semir Ban
grayscale photo of black car
grayscale photo of black car
wheel being washed
wheel being washed
a man is working on a car radio
a man is working on a car radio

Harga Xpress Polish

Small Car

Rp 750.000

Estimasi 4 Jam

Medium Car

Rp 1.000.000

Estimasi 4 Jam

Large Car

Rp 1.250.000

Estimasi 4 Jam

X-Large / Sport Car

Rp 1.500.000

Estimasi 4 Jam

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